EIA - Energie Investeringsaftrek (Energy Investment Allowance)

What is EIA?
The Energie Investeringsaftrek (Energy Investment Allowance, EIA) is a tax scheme for entrepreneurs who invest in energy-saving assets such as LED lighting and renewable energy.
When you make use of EIA, you have a double advantage as an entrepreneur: your energy costs are reduced, and you pay less tax.

How does EIA work?
If you invest in energy-saving assets or renewable energy, the EIA allows you to deduct 45% of the investment costs from your company’s taxable profit via the EIA, in addition to your normal depreciation. As a result, you pay less income tax or corporation tax. EIA will provide you with an average tax benefit of 11%. The EIA budget for 2019 is €147 million.

EIA Conditions
There are certain conditions that you must meet to be eligible for the EIA, including:

  • Your company is subject to tax in the Netherlands.
  • The investment amount must be at least € 2,500.
  • You have all the required permits.
  • The relevant equipment belongs to one of the categories which the State considers to be eligible for EIA according to the Energielijst 2019 (Energy List 2019).
  • You must apply for EIA within three months after giving the order.

More information
For more information about EIA, please visit the website of Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland.

This information does not confer any rights about Unique Lights.

In proud collaboration with our partners
  • Raytec
  • Dialight
  • ATM lighting
  • Indulite
  • Innolumis
  • Intra Lighting
  • Rubitech
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